Publicaties - Publications

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2020 2019 2018 2017 2016 2015 2014 2013 2012 2011 2010 2009 2008 2007 2006 2005 2004 2003 2002


[bk2020f] Boot, P, Koolen, M. “Captivating, splendid or instructive? Assessing the impact of reading in online book reviews”. In: Scientific Study of Literature, 10 (2020) 1, p. 66-93. [DOI: 10.1075/] [preprint]

[kb2020e] Koolen, M, P Boot. Facilitating Reusable Third-Party Annotations in Digital Editions. In: Annotations in Scholarly Editions and Research. Functions, Differentiation, Systematization. Edited by J. Nantke and F. Schlupkothen. 2020. p. 168-170. [DOI: 10.1515/9783110689112-009]

[yb2020d] Ye, Y, Boot, P. Machine Translation as an Alternative to Language-Specific Dictionaries for LIWC. In: DH Benelux 2020 – Online 2020. [online]

[kbz2020c] Koolen, M, Boot, P, Van Zundert, J.J. Online Book Reviews and the Computational Modelling of Reading Impact. In: Proceedings Workshop on Computational Humanities Research. 2020, p. 149-169. [online]

[b2020b] P Boot. Prachtige boeken en geweldige boeken. Verschillen in reacties tussen literatuur- en thrillerlezers. In: Voltreffer! Populariteit en popularisering van de historische Nederlandse letterkunde. Bijdragen ter gelegenheid van het emeritaat van Lia van Gemert. Edited by Frans Blom a.o. 2020. p. 168-170. [pdf]

[b2020a] P Boot. The Voice of the Reader: The Landscape of Online Book Discussion in the Netherlands, 1997-2016. In: The Edinburgh History of Reading. Common Readers. Edited by Jonathan Rose. Edinburgh University Press. 2020. p. 258-279. [preprint]


[b2019c] Naber, F, Boot, P. “Exploring the features of naturalist prose using LIWC in Nederlab”. In: Journal of Dutch Literature 10 1 (2019). [at publisher]

[b2019b] Boot, P. “Editing social media: the case of online book discussion”. In: International Journal of Digital Humanities, e-pub ahead of print (2019). [at publisher]

[b2019a] Boot, P, Koolen, M. Facilitating reusable third-party annotations in the digital edition. In: Annotation in Scholarly Editions and Research: Function, Differentiation, Systematization 20/02/2019 → 22/02/2019 Wuppertal, Germany. 2019. [online]


[b2018a] Boot, P, Distant reading Nederlandstalige online boekrespons. Poster at: Achter de verhalen 7: De terugkeer van de geschiedenis 18/04/2018 → 20/04/2018 Antwerpen, Belgium. 2018. [online]

[b2018b] Boot, P, Koolen, M. A FRBROO-based annotation ontology for digital editing. In: "Data in Digital Humanities" - the European Association for Digital Humanities 2018 Conference. 2018. [online]


[b2017a] Boot, P, Zijlstra, H, Geenen, R. “The Dutch translation of the Linguistic Inquiry and Word Count (LIWC) 2007 dictionary”. In: Dutch Journal of Applied Linguistics, 6 (2017) 1, p. 65-76. [at publisher] [pdf]

[b2017b] Van Wissen, L, Boot, P. “An Electronic Translation of the LIWC Dictionary into Dutch”. In: Proceedings Elex 2017: Electronic lexicography in the 21st century 2017, p. 703-715. [online]

[b2017c] Boot, P, Haentjens Dekker, R, Koolen, M, Melgar, L. Facilitating Fine-grained Open Annotations of Scholarly Sources. In: Digital Humanities 2017, Montreal, Conference abstracts. 2017. [online]

[b2017d] P Boot. A Database of Online Book Response and the Nature of the Literary Thriller. In: Digital Humanities 2017, Montreal, Conference abstracts. 2017. [online]

[b2017e] P Boot. Stylometry applied to book preferences. In: DH Benelux 2017, Utrecht, Conference abstracts. 2017. [online]

[b2017f] Van Putten-Brons, S, Boot, P. “June is Dutch Literature Month!”. Online Book Reviewers and Their Role in the Transmission of Dutch Literature to the English-Speaking World. In: Doing Double Dutch. The International Circulation of Literature from the Low Countries. Eds. Brems E, Réthelyi, O, Van Kalmthout, T. Leuven: Leuven University Press. 2017. p. 313-327. [pdf]


[b2016a] Boot, P, Dietz, F, Stronks, E, Zwart, W. “Young Agents”. Jonge auteurs op de vroegmoderne boekenmarkt. In: Nederlandse Letterkunde, 21 (2016) 1, p. 1-34. [doi] [knaw repo]


[b2015a] Boot, P. “[Review of] Defining Digital Humanities. A Reader. Melissa Terras, Julianne Nyhan and Edward Vanhoutte (eds)”. In: Literary and Linguistic Computing, advance access published January 7, 2015. [pdf].

[b2015b] Boot, P. “[Review of] Brabbeling (1614): Een Bloemlezing”. In: Renaissance Quarterly, 68 1, p. 416-417. Spring, 2015.

[b2015c] P Boot. Assessing the detection of text-reuse. In: Digital Humanities Benelux, Antwerp, Conference abstracts. 2015. [online]

[b2015d] Boot, P, Delft, M. van, Lonij, J, Stronks, E. Met SPARQL zoeken in de STCN. The Hague: Koninklijke Bibliotheek. 2015 [online]


[b2014a] Boot, P. “Online boekdiscussie van een afstand gelezen”. Over interactieve visualisatie in de studie van correspondenties. In: Tijdschrift voor Nederlandse Taal- en Letterkunde, 129 (2013) 4, p. 215-232. [pdf]

[b2014b] Boot, P. “[Review of] Distant Reading. Franco Moretti”. In: Literary and Linguistic Computing, advance access published March 19, 2014. [pdf].

[b2014c] P Boot. “Dimensions of literary appreciation. Word use and ratings on a book discussion site”. In: Digital Humanities 2014, Lausanne. 2014. [online]

[b2014d] P Boot. “De paradoxale vertrouwelijkheid van het web: Oprechtheid en anonimiteit in Dagboek van een kindermeisje”. In vriendschap en vertrouwen. Cultuurhistorische essays over confidentialiteit. Edited by Jos Gabriëls a.o. Verloren. 2014. p. 35-48. [pdf]


[b2013a] P Boot, “The desirability of a corpus of online book responses”. In: Proceedings Proceedings of the Workshop on Computational Linguistics for Literature 2013, Atlanta (GA) USA. 2013. p. 32-40 [pdf]


[b2012a] P Boot. “Some digital editions and some remaining challenges”. In: Janus. 1 2012. [On-line]

[b2012b] P Boot, M Van Erp, L Aroyo, G Schreiber. “The changing face of the book review”. In: Proceedings Web Science 2012, Evanston (IL) USA. 2012. [pdf]

[b2012c] P Boot. “Contextual factors in literary quality judgments: A quantitative analysis of an online writing community”. In: Digital Humanities 2012, Hamburg. 2012. [online, oral presentation]

[b2012d] P Boot. “Similar or Dissimilar Loves? Amoris Divini Emblemata and its Relation to Amorum Emblemata”. Otto Vaenius and his emblem books. Edited by Simon McKeown. Glasgow. 2012. p. 157-173. Glasgow Emblem Studies 15 [pdf]

[b2012e] P Boot. “Literary Evaluation in Online Communities of Writers and Readers”. In: Scholarly and Research Communication. 3 2 . 2012. [online]


[b2011a] Boot, P. “Reading Van Gogh Online?”. In: Ariadne. 66 January 2011. [On-line]

[b2011b] Boot, P. “Werk en netwerk. Tekst en commentaar op de Verhalensite”. In: vakTaal. 23 4 p. 2-5 . [Proofs]

[b2011c] Boot, P. “What is Next in Digital Emblem Studies?”. Transmigrations. Essays in Honour of Alison Adams and Stephen Rawles. Edited by Laurence Grove and Alison Saunders. Glasgow. 2011. p. 31-40. Glasgow Emblem Studies 14 [Proofs]

[b2011d] Boot, P. “Towards a Genre Analysis of Online Book Discussion”: socializing, participation and publication in the Dutch booksphere. In: Selected Papers of Internet Research. IR 12 2011. [On-line]

[b2011e] Boot, P. “Vincent Van Gogh - The Letters”. In: Jahrbuch für Computerphilologie - online. 2011. [On-line]

[b2011f] Boot, P. “Predicting Long-Term Activity in Online Writing Communities”: A Quantitative Analysis of Amateur Writing. In: Supporting Digital Humanities (Copenhagen 17 - 18 November 2011). Conference Proceedings. 2011. [pdf]

[bz2011a] Van Zundert, J, Boot, P. “The Digital Edition 2.0 and the Digital Library: Services, not Resources”. In: Digitale Edition und Forschungsbibliothek. (Beiträge der Fachtagung im Philosophicum der Universität Mainz am 13. und 14. Januar 2011). Special issue of Bibliothek und Wissenschaft, 44, p. 141-152. [pdf]


[b2010a] Boot, P. “Tien stellingen over de ideale digitale bibliotheek”. In: De link en de letter. Dossier Nieuwe Media. Speciaal nummer van Vooys, 27 4, p. 24-35. [preprint]


[b2009c] Boot, P. Mesotext. Digitised Emblems, Modelled Annotations and Humanities Scholarship. Amsterdam: Pallas proefschriften. 2009. [full text or order copy].

[b2009b] Boot, P. “Towards a TEI-based encoding scheme for the annotation of parallel texts”. In: Literary and Linguistic Computing, 24 3, p. 347-361. [abstract, full text].

[b2009a] Boot, P. “Emblem Book Digitisation”. State of Affairs, Options and Challenges. In: Was ist Textkritik? Zur Geschichte und Relevanz eines Zentralbegriffs der Editionswissenschaft. Eds. Gertraud Mitterauer (etc.), 2009 p. 291-302. Beihefte zu editio 28


[b2008a] Boot, P. “Playing and displaying love”. Theatricality in Otto van Veen’s Amoris divini emblemata (Antwerp 1615). In: Emblematica, 16, p. 339-364. [preprint]

[b2008c] Boot, P. “Facilitating Emblem Research at the Emblem Project Utrecht”. In: Con parola brieve e con figura. Emblemi e imprese fra antico e moderno Eds. Lina Bolzoni, Silvia Volterrani. Pisa: Edizioni della Normale 2008 p. 619-630.

[b2008d] Boot, P. “Te groot voor het blote oog”. Over interactieve visualisatie in de studie van correspondenties. In: Tijdschrift voor Nederlandse Taal- en Letterkunde, 124, p. 201-210. [preprint]


[b2007a] Boot, P. “A Mirror to the Eyes of the Mind”. Metaphor in Otto van Veen’s Amoris Divini Emblemata (Antwerp 1615). In: Emblemata Sacra. Rhétorique et herméneutique du discours sacré dans la littérature en images. The Rhetoric and Hermeneutics of Illustrated Sacred Discourse. Eds. Ralph Dekoninck , Agnès Guiderdoni-Bruslé . Turnhout: Brepols. 2007. p. 291-304. [preprint]

[bs2007a] Learned Love. Proceedings of the Emblem Project Utrecht Conference on Dutch Love Emblems and the Internet (November 2006). Eds. Els Stronks, Peter Boot assisted by Dagmar Stiebral. The Hague: Dans. 2007 DANS Symposium Publications 2 [order or download]

[bs2007b] Stronks, E., Boot, P. “Introduction”. Learned Love. Proceedings of the Emblem Project Utrecht Conference on Dutch Love Emblems and the Internet (November 2006). Eds. Els Stronks, Peter Boot assisted by Dagmar Stiebral. The Hague: Dans. 2007. p. 1-9. DANS Symposium Publications 2 [download]

[b2007b] Boot, P. “The love emblem applied”. Learned Love. Proceedings of the Emblem Project Utrecht Conference on Dutch Love Emblems and the Internet (November 2006). Eds. Els Stronks, Peter Boot assisted by Dagmar Stiebral. The Hague: Dans. 2007. p. 143-148. DANS Symposium Publications 2 [download]

[b2007c] Boot, P. “Mesotext. Framing and exploring annotations”. Learned Love. Proceedings of the Emblem Project Utrecht Conference on Dutch Love Emblems and the Internet (November 2006). Eds. Els Stronks, Peter Boot assisted by Dagmar Stiebral. The Hague: Dans. 2007. p. 211-225. DANS Symposium Publications 2 [download]


[b2006a] Boot, P. “Decoding emblem semantics”. In: Literary and Linguistic Computing, 21 Supplement 1, p. 15-27. [abstract, full text].

[b2006b] Boot, P. “Third-party annotations in the digital edition using EDITOR”. Paper presented at the congress Digital Humanities 2006 [abstract].

[b2006c] Boot, P. “A SANE approach to annotation in the digital edition”. In: Jahrbuch für Computerphilologie - online, 8. [full text]


[b2005a] Boot, P. “Anatomie en cartografie van de weblog”. In: Publiceren, wat is dat? Een antwoord in dertien opstellen. Eds. Carla Dauven , Jelle Koopmans , Lisa Kuitert . Instituut voor Cultuur en Geschiedenis, Universiteit van Amsterdam 2005 [preprint]

[b2005b] Boot, P. “Advancing digital scholarship using EDITOR” In: Humanities, Computers and Cultural Heritage. Proceedings of the XVI international conference of the Association for History and Computing 14-17 September 2005. 2005 Amsterdam: Royal Netherlands Academy of Arts and Sciences On: publisher site


[b2004] Boot, P. “Accessing Emblems using XML”. Digitisation Practice at the Emblem Project Utrecht. In: Florilegio de Estudios de Emblematica. A Florilegium of Studies on Emblematics. Actas del VI Congreso Internacional de The Society for Emblem Studies. Proceedings of the 6th International Conference of the Society for Emblem Studies. Ed. Sagrario López Poza . A Coruña, 2002. Sociedad de Cultura Valle Inclán 2004. p. 191-197 [preprint]

[b2004a] Boot, P. “Beyond the Digital Edition”. Tools for Emblem Research. In: Digital Collections and the Management of Knowledge. Renaissance Emblem Literature as a Case Study for the Digitization of Rare Texts and Images. Mara Wade . DigiCULT 2004 On:

[b2004b] Boot, P. De verzamelde weblogs van Multatuli. Over weblogs en edities. Paper presented at the congress Publiceren, wat is dat? Universiteit van Amsterdam, faculteit der Geesteswetenschappen. maart 2004 [text]

[b2004c] Boot, P. Huygens weblog elektronisch publiceren. 2004-... []


[bs2003] Boot, P., en Stronks E. “Ingrediënten voor een succesformule? Experimenten met een digitale editie van Cats' Sinne- en minnebeelden”. In: Nederlandse letterkunde 8 (2003) 1, pp. 24-40.


[bs2002] Boot, P., en Stronks E. “Digitale edities en letterenonderzoek, een verkenning”. In: 02-08. 2002. On:
